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Cylch Meithrin Aberhonddu aims to provide the children in our care with a happy, family atmosphere in which to learn Welsh through play. Our ethos is centred on the Foundation Phase, where language development is nurtured by playing games, reading stories and learning rhymes and songs.

In order to develop new vocabulary the children will follow a different theme each term. 


We have three competent and experienced members of staff who are all fluent in Welsh and experts in providing a high standard of care to preschool children.


We know how important secure relationships are in order for children to thrive and so we operate a keyworker system. The keyworker becomes a familiar figure who is accessible and available as a point of contact for parents and one who builds relationships with the child and parents or carers


Records of development and care are created and shared by the key person, parents and the child.


We are regularly inspected by CSSIW. You can read our latest report here.


It is also important to us to review and evaluate the care we provide. You can read out latest annual Quality of Care review here.

Session Times

We are open Monday to Friday afternoons 1pm til 3.30pm during Powys term time only.


For Powys term dates please click here



Three year olds can now attend Ysgol Y Bannau's breakfast club from 8am and Bobl Bach from 9.10am. Those who attend Bobl Bach in the mornings can now attend Cylch Meithrin Aberhonddu from 12.30pm. A packed lunch must be provided for these children.


For more information on Breakfast Club and Bobl Bach please contact Ysgol Y Bannau on 01874 622207.


Fees are reviewed annually and are payable half termly with payment due by the first day of each half term.


Payment is expected for each session, even if a child is unable to attend.


Payment via BACS is preferred and information on how to do this will be sent out with invoices. Alternately cheques are made payable to 'Cylch Chwarae Aberhonddu'. We also accept childcare vouchers as payment.


If there are financial difficulties please speak to the Play Leader or Treasurer so that arrangments can be made to assist you.


Our fees for 2015/2016 are:


  • £8 per meithrin session for 2 year olds

  • £10 per session for 3 year olds attending directly from Bobl Bach

  • £2.50 for Dwylo Bach for an adult and 1 child. £1 per child there after.


* Please note we are not responsible for fees incurred by Bobl Bach and these should be dealt with seperately by Bobl Bach staff


We offer a free settling in session which introduces your child to the setting and allows us to ensure we can accomodate the needs of you and your child.



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